Sunday, May 20, 2012


The fact is that, life without these thing is meaningless:

  • and to be L.O.V.E.D
Hell yeah, I am lucky that I was blessed with these two category of people and good command of English. Believe it or not, there is no space for race, religion, skin color,body or beauty in this world, you can be really attractive with a good command of English as well! *DAMN* #faceblushing# 
This semester break, is/was a definite good beginning. I hope I will make a wise decision. =)

Monday, May 7, 2012

I am Happy for Who I am

Just finished my exam, studied totally last minute, i meant exactly 12 hours before exam and I managed to do the paper! I thought I was going to screw up the paper, and yeah I eventually did not. Sometimes, I feel like Im am not smart enough , yet sometimes I feel my brain absorbs things super fast at last minute.
Whatever it is, an individual shouldn't be evaluated by how smart are they in studies, because at the end of the day studies is not everything. There are more precise things other than studies, because some people may be good in some subject but they couldn't be good in everything. So I am happy for who I am. If I do fail any paper this semester, I dont give a damn on what others evaluate me. Because deep inside me I know where I stand. Its not over confident, but self confidence. I am Happy for who I am.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reflection of Me

Today morning, I came across this on my Facebook, and each word in that sentence totally reflects me. 

About Me